1. INTRODUCTION Wet storage stain describes the white, generally powder-like substance which can form on the surface of a galvanized article. It can also create black spots on the surface during initial development and generally consists of natural zinc corrosion…

 Cable Tray Ceiling Flag Bracket

Cable Tray Ceiling Flag Bracket

This flag ceiling bracket apparatus will help you secure your cables and wires . Made by Quest Manufacturing, this add on accessory is durable and reliable, and will hold the wire mesh safely, so you can place cables&wires in.

 Heavy Duty Wall Bracket Trays

Heavy Duty Wall Bracket Trays

Heavy Duty Wall Bracket Trays Product Overview ◆ Features: Product code: : WBK – Heavy Duty Wall Bracket (Wire Mesh Cable Tray Fittings) ◆ Application: – A heavy-duty wall bracket tray for wire mesh cable trays is a support system…